The first symptom of heart disease is erectile dysfunction

Not everyone knows that an important symptom of heart disease is problems with potency. As a rule, in such cases, you need to pay the most serious attention to your health.In addition, erectile dysfunction indicates that the body has low testosterone levels. We will tell you in detail how the level of the male hormone and various diseases are related.

Problems with potency and diseases of the cardiovascular system: connection of diseases

Problems with potency and diseases of the cardiovascular system are certainly connected, and this connection is twofold. On the one hand, the cause of both diseases is poor vascular conductivity caused by atherosclerosis. On the other hand, both the reproductive and cardiovascular systems are negatively affected by low testosterone levels. Data from European studies suggest that a deficiency of the male hormone can cause both erectile dysfunction and, over time, heart disease. Meanwhile, natural vitamin complexes have been developed in the world that can help in both cases. They are safe because they have no side effects.

When the heart is healthy, there is a powerful potency

German scientists at the University of Saarland conducted a number of interesting studies. They came to the conclusion that powerful potency is impossible when there are heart problems. It turned out that men with cardiovascular diseases and erectile dysfunction are 2 times more likely to die compared to men without these disorders. In addition, in the first case, the frequency of heart attacks is 20% higher. This does not mean at all that problems with an erection provoke heart disease. Violation of potency may be a signal that there are problems in the cardiovascular system. Scientists have suggested that a delicate male problem may be evidence of the development of such a serious disease as atherosclerosis.

This hypothesis is confirmed by the research of Chinese scientists at the University of Hong Kong. They established a link between erectile dysfunction, heart disease and diabetes mellitus. Researchers have found a common symptom that is characteristic of these diseases – a dysfunction of blood vessels.The first stage of such a disorder is endothelial dysfunction, in which the smoothness and reactivity of the walls of blood vessels is disturbed. As a result, foci of local inflammation appear on the inner walls of blood vessels and cholesterol plaques are formed. This process indicates the beginning of the development of atherosclerosis. In this situation, there is a risk of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels, including heart vessels, which will lead to myocardial infarction.

The study was conducted for 4 years, 2306 men took part in it, a quarter of them showed signs of erectile dysfunction. Symptoms of heart disease, blood vessels or strokes were not present in any of the subjects. During the study period, 123 people had a heart attack, there were cases of heart pathology incompatible with life. Some patients underwent surgery to restore blood circulation to the heart. As it turned out, all these people initially suffered from erectile dysfunction.Italian scientists have come to similar results in their research.

Testosterone and Heart Health

There is a direct link between testosterone levels and heart health. On the one hand, the male hormone helps to strengthen and maintain the activity of the heart muscle. The myocardium contains the largest number of testosterone receptors compared to other organs. On the other hand, the heart and blood vessels deliver blood and nutrients to the testicles, the organ that produces the main amount of testosterone. If a man suffers from atherosclerosis, first of all, the organs of the reproductive system will suffer from this disease. For comparison, the vessels of the heart have an average diameter of 0.5 cm, while the capillaries of the blood-feeding testicles have a diameter of 0.5 mm.

Thanks to the work of the heart, the blood is constantly moving through the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the organs. It also takes carbon dioxide, decay products and hormones synthesized by glands. If the vessels are clogged with cholesterol, then food and oxygen do not get to the organs. At the same time, hormones cannot get into the blood.

In this situation, the first blow of atherosclerosis is taken by the male reproductive system, to be more precise, the testicles. Thin capillaries are most quickly clogged with cholesterol. As a result, testosterone levels decrease, erectile dysfunction appears. It takes much longer for the heart vessels to become clogged. Doctors believe that from problems with potency to coronary heart disease, an average of 3-4 years pass.

It can be concluded that the same problem is behind the development of heart diseases and a decrease in testosterone production – a deterioration in blood circulation.

We remind you that if you have erection problems when prescribed by a doctor, you can always use Viagra and forget about problems.