Age-related changes and erection in men

The natural stage of the biological aging process is accompanied by menopause. Yes, not only women face it, but also most men. This biochemical syndrome of age-related changes includes a lack of androgens in the blood serum and a decrease in the body’s sensitivity to androgens. All this leads to a significant deterioration in the quality of life, including sex. Let us find out how this happens, and what can you do to improve the quality of your life when getting older.

Most common hormonal changes in elderly

With age, the concentration of free testosterone in blood plasma decreases due to a deterioration in the blood supply to testicular tissue. Quite often, at the same time estrogen levels increase. These are the most common age-related changes in male patients over 60 years of age.

woman age related changes

Clinical manifestations of such a condition include impaired copulative function (decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation and orgasm disorders) and decreased fertility. In addition, older men often suffer from certain somatic disorders. They include a decrease in muscle mass and strength, osteoporosis, thinning and atrophy of the skin, anemia etc. Do not forget about increased or abnormal blood pressure, heart pain, dizziness, sweating. Also, mind fatigue, weakening of memory and attention, sleep disturbances, depression, and so on.

In fact, men can quite easily get used to most of these symptoms, except for those related to erection quality. Testosterone plays an important role in maintaining the normal elasticity of the collagen fibers of the cavernous tissue. It also contributes to the synthesis of nitric oxide, the main mediator of normal erection. So, how to deal with these age-related changes?

Therapy for age-related changes and erection disturbances

Before starting the treatment, ask your physician for a diagnosis. Usually, age-related decrease in testosterone needs simple blood test and, if needed, magnetic resonance imaging with contrast.

Then, you might pass through androgen replacement therapy. Still, mind that it can lead to certain side effects, particularly affecting liver, cardiovascular system, prostate gland, etc. Good news is that one injection has quite a long effect, which lasts for up to 4 weeks.

The drug stimulates protein synthesis, enhances the fixation of calcium in the bones, and increases muscle mass. It also affects the development and function of the external genital organs, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and secondary sexual characteristics. Moreover, the medicine determines body constitution and sexual behavior, activates libido and potency, and stimulates spermatogenesis. In addition to this kind of therapy for age-related changes, your doctor may prescribe you vitamins (in particular, A and E), selenium, folic acid, and other natural substances.

In most men, this helps to increase the level of testosterone, improve libido, increase the number and duration of sexual intercourses, and even improves the clinical condition in patients with prostate adenoma.