Unexpected Viagra uses: Three amazing examples

Unexpected Viagra uses: Three amazing examples

Usually, we focus on the main function of Viagra – to help people enjoy regular and quality sex. But today I want to list three unexpected Viagra uses in medicine. Probably, you have never heard of these wonderful scientific studies. Three unexpected Viagra uses – from heart health to childbirth Surprisingly, this medication not onlyRead more about Unexpected Viagra uses: Three amazing examples[…]

Viagra for libido: Can it bring the desire back?

Viagra for libido: Can it bring the desire back?

Today, I propose to talk about a very specific aspect of the magic blue pills. In other words, let us discuss Viagra for libido, or the relationship between the pharmacological action of the drug and psychology. Will Sildenafil help if you don’t want sex at all? The answer to the question might seem obvious. InRead more about Viagra for libido: Can it bring the desire back?[…]