Viagra for libido: Can it bring the desire back?

Today, I propose to talk about a very specific aspect of the magic blue pills. In other words, let us discuss Viagra for libido, or the relationship between the pharmacological action of the drug and psychology. Will Sildenafil help if you don’t want sex at all? The answer to the question might seem obvious. In fact, you should mind various factors.

When Viagra may help you want sex

Before explaining further Viagra for better libido stuff, I would like to remind you how Sildenafil works. This substance and its analogues act on certain enzymes, dramatically increasing the flow of blood to the penis. Thus, a man acquires a firm erection that lasts much longer than usual.

Viagra for libido

At the same time, do not forget that just taking a pill will not guarantee you an erection. In addition, you should feel desire, or at least provide yourself with physical stimulation.

Given the above, will Viagra for libido work if you don’t feel like having sex at all? Theoretically, yes. But you literally have to force yourself to start at least petting. Then, the increased flow of blood to the penis will induce the desire.

When Viagra for libido will not work at all

Despite the things I mentioned above, Viagra for sex drive might not work at all when you don’t feel like having sex at all. In particular, this may happen in men with depression. Moreover, if you take antidepressants, no magic pill will affect your poor condition.

Well, you may be able to have prolonged sex with the help of the medicines, but you will hardly enjoy it. In other words, it will be rather a mechanical action without any pleasure.

If you notice a loss of desire, try taking Viagra for libido and see if it helps. However, if not, better solve your psychological problems first.

Viagra for libido and women

As for women who consider themselves frigid, Viagra for libido might work. More precisely, I mean the pills that their partners can use. If a man has not done anything special in bed for a long time, and now suddenly started, this can significantly affect a woman’s sexuality.